A Little Ludwig Goes a Long Way

A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.

Recent Books -- Waking Up White, Beyond the Pale, Light Years, Koryta, Murderbot

29 October 2018

  • Waking Up White by Debby Irving.  A lot to process in this book.  I am probably just a few steps along the path to really understanding race in the US and my own role in the issues.  This is definitely worth reading and thinking about.
  • Beyond the Pale by Clare O’Donahue.  Pleasant little detective jaunt set mostly in Ireland.  An appealing couple of main characters.  The MacGuffin is a little forced, but the chase for it has some fun parts.
  • Light Years by James Salter.  A bit of a throwback, and oh so nicely written – very very smooth.  Makes the above modern texts seem clunky.
  • How It Happened by Michael Koryta.  Solid thriller set in coastal Maine – murders, drugs, tawdry secrets.  Engaging
  • Artificial Condition by Martha Wells.  Gosh this MurderBot series is fun.  I want a wisecracking sidekick murderous robot.

Recent Books -- Children of Time, Educated, Fear

21 September 2018

  • Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky.  Award winner, and an interesting precept about a future human diaspora to the stars, but oh my gosh did it drag on.  Editor please.
  • Educated by Tara Westover.  A nearly unbelievable memoir, an incredible story about rising up out of an impossible childhood filled with abuse and neglect.
  • Fear by Bob Woodward.  The overall impression I get is more “chaos”, there is no rhyme or reason to the operation of the Trump Presidency judging by this book.

Recent Books -- Ghost Map, American War, Command and Control

02 September 2018

  • The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson.
    Great retelling of the cholera epidemic in 1854 London, and the detective workto find the source. We look back andthe infectious mechanism for cholera seems so obvious to us – and yet we are no smarter than the people of 1854 London, we just have some accumulated science at our disposal. What will people in 2178 think about us, what are we missing today?
  • American War by Omar El Akkad.  A new American civil war b reaks out in 2075.  Unthinkable!  And yet it does feel like our society is getting more rancorous.
  • Command and Control by Eric Schlosser.  Holy cripes, it is amazing that we have never had one of our nuclear armaments accidentally explode, and it is terrifying when you consider the spread of nuclear weapons to other nations.  It is just a matter of time.  Excellent history of US nuclear armaments and the many accidents and near-misses.

Books -- Origin Story, New York 2140, Everything Trump Touches Dies

12 August 2018

  • Origin Story by David Christian.  Great story about the long waves of development over the entire course of history.  Focusing just on the human development part of the story, human societal development has been characterized by increasing energy consumption and increasing levels of complexity to both consume energy and to find energy.  The tale falls down a little in the last chapter though as he shifts from the story of increasing energy consumption, and now asserts that everything has to change.  But still a good read.
  • New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson.  I don’t think Robinson is a great story teller or a great builder of characters, and the book was overly long, but still an interesting exploration of what our lives might be like 100+ years from now as we deal with climate change.
  • Everything Trump Touches Dies by Rick Wilson.  This quote near the end says it all:  “Everything about Donald Trump’s presidency and character is a disaster for America.  The victories Republicans think they have achieved are transitory and ephemeral and come at the cost of their principles and, probably, their immortal souls.  He is a stain on the party, on conservatism, and on this country that won’t easily wash out.“  And that is the most temperate thing Wilson says about Trump.

Recent Books -- The Legacy of the Civil War, The Power, Reinventing Capitalism, Imperial Twilight

25 July 2018

  • The Legacy of the Civil War by Robert Penn Warren.  The book is almost 60 years old and still super relevant.  And demands careful reading, he doesn’t cater to the reader who isn’t willing to think or work.
  • The Power by Naomi Alderman.  No real surprise here – absolute power corrupts absolutely, regardless of who has it.  The book is solid but over-hyped.
  • Reinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data by Viktoe Mayer-Schönberger and Thomas Ramge.  Ok the very first example in this book pissed me off and I set the book down.  Talking about a cookware purchase, the author describes a magical future where some system knows all your preferences and purchase history and just magically selects the right item for you in seconds.  And this seems like horseshit as it completely devalues design, ignores the fact that some people like shopping, ignores the value of the shopping process itself, etc.  I just didn’t care enough to read another page.  The book gets nice reviews tho.
  • Imperial Twilight by Stephen R. Platt.   The story of the Opium War.  Well written and much to learn here.  And what a great contrast to the book above.  The pop business book spins some BS tale about how humans will behave.  The deep history book examines exactly how humans did behave and reasons about how that will apply in the future.  The history book is way more insightful.

Recent books — Sabrina, Bad Blood, The Soul of America

10 July 2018

  • Sabrina by Nick Drnaso. Graphic novel, odd little story which wanders around and doesn’t really go anywhere.  Reviews were excellent but I found it dull.
  • Bad Blood by John Carreyrou. The Theranos story.  Wow. Unalloyed ambition, the worst of Silicon Valley.  Holmes and Balwani are clearly bad actors but their investors and legal partners get off too easily – they created and fed the monster.
  • The Soul of America by Jon Meacham.  Division and bigotry has been part of America forever, every generation has struggled with it.  The best of our Presidents have been unifiers and have worked to bring us together – and the country has survived the divisive demagogues, but it will take engagement and action on all our parts.  Excellent perspective.

We need more CSNY "Ohio"

26 June 2018

CSNY’s “Ohio” (Wikipedia, Youtube ) hits me hard every time I hear it.  I still see the bodies on the news, the classmates in anguish. “How many more” resonates through my head.

CSNY pushed that record out in 3 weeks.  They were at the top of their careers, already had an album for sale, but they didn’t play it safe, they made an emotional statement that resonates to this day.   I was quite young, but this event hit me hard and contributed to my suspicion of authority and power.

We have terrible issues in society today.  Gun violence and school shootings affecting many more people.  Inhumane treatment of desperate people at our borders.  None of the artists of today want my opinion – but too often I see artists talking at rallies and events, but it is their art that is impactful and emotional, and they could be more effective in reaching us if they spoke through their art.

One artist that is doing it today is Donald Glover – if you haven’t seen Childish Gambino - This Is America (Official Video), you should.  It is hard to watch.  I am sure there are others.

Recent Books -- Ninefox Gambit, Have You Tried Working, The Darkening Age

24 June 2018

  • Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee.  This settled down into basic space opera but some fun language and ideas about an era in which we have dramatically more control over the physical world.
  • Have You Tried Working? By Anthony Gardner.  Ugh.  Poorly written, and then his flippancy about CTE turned me completely off.  Can’t figure out why I bought this.
  • The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey.  This won’t be popular with some people, a look into how the intolerant early Christian Church destroyed the arts, literature, and science of Western world and contributed to the dark ages.

Recent Books -- Six Wakes, Wrong Stars, Scarlet Sky, Wolves of Winter

09 June 2018

  • Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty.  Awesome tale of 6 travelers on a space ship, trying to figure out who among them is trying to kill all of them.  Agatha Christie in space!
  • The Wrong Stars by Tim Pratt.  Space opera – pirates, aliens, wormholes, etc.  Fun but not that memorable.
  • Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan.  World War II escapades of a young Italian spy. Based on a true story, very engaging.
  • The Wolves of Winter by Tyrell Johnson.  Post-apocalyptic tale of survivors in the Yukon.  Ok but pretty well-trod ground.

Recent Books -- Semiosis, No One Is Coming to Save Us, Originals, Kamau Bell, Bellassai, Nanoscale Communications

20 May 2018

  • Semiosis by Sue Burke.  Very good first contact tale, the things we meet might be very very different than us.
  • No One is Coming to Save Us by Stephanie Powell Watts.  Another independent bookstore pick up, waaaay outside my comfort zone, and I just couldn’t get thru it.  
  • Originals by Adam Grant.  I expected to hate this as I tend not to enjoy pop business books, or books that justify people being jerks.  But it was better than that.  Useful tools for encouraging creativity in yourself and your teams.
  • The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell by W. Kamau Bell. Interesting story of a developing comic and his experiences with racism. I need to watch his show on CNN.
  • Everything is Awful by Matt Bellassai.  Another book by a comic, and this one is thin gruel after reading Bell above.  Couldn’t finish, seemed so lightweight.
  • Nanoscale Communication Networks by Stephen F. Bush.  From 2010, so in this field this is like a billion years old,  but still interesting.  Transport mechanisms, delay characteristics, accuracy are so different at the nanoscale.

Recent Books — Ungentlemanly Warfare, AJ Fikry, March, Amatka

09 May 2018

  • Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare by Giles Milton. Deep dive into the British efforts to combat the Nazis with sabotage, resistance, even terrorism. Well done.
  • The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. I picked this up at random on Independent Bookstore Day at Elliott Bay Bookstore.  Fantastic hopeful book about loss and love.  Great characters.  Very glad I took the chance – what I really like about independent bookstores is their “staff picks” area.
  • March by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, Nate Powell.  Great graphic novel about the life of John Lewis.
  • Amatka by Karen Tidbeck.  Another Independent Bookstore Day purchase.  A town whose very existence is defined and controlled by language, and what happens as some of the residents start to rebel against control and language.  A little trippy but I enjoy tales like these.

Congrats to Docusign and my friend JonRo

28 April 2018

A great launch yesterday – Docusign IPO.

Congrats to everyone there.  And a big congrats and thanks to JonRo who unflaggingly championed and supported the company through every zig and zag.  He taught me such valuable investment lessons about persistence and about survival – he stuck with Docusign (and other investments) through every dip, through every tough spot, as they went in and out of fashion, and it all ultimately paid off for Docusign and Ignition investors.  Thanks Jon.

Recent Books -- The Dry, Easternization, Comey

27 April 2018

  • The Dry by Jane Harper. A breathless page turner according to the reviews – i did consume in about 2 days. Very solid tale set in rural Australia – murder, money, long-hidden secrets.
  • Easternization by Gideon Rachman.  A good summary of the rise of China and the impact on US domestic and foreign policy.  There is no getting around the fact that China’s economy and hence soft power and military power is going to surpass that of the US, it is simple numbers.  And much about that is OK, China becoming richer is no real threat to us and no real threat to world peace.  That said, there might be some issues that the US differs from China on, and if the US wants a strategy to counter China, we need to focus on multilateral partnerships in Asia and/or Europe and/or the Americas.  We are doing a poor job at that.
  • A Higher Loyalty by James Comey.  Some of you may have heard of this book.  Comey seems very principled.  He doesn’t like Trump and writes a compelling indictment.  I believe he fails tho to really understand his missteps around the election.  Every decision he made was a principled local optimum but globally was an asymmetric skew.  And he doesn’t go to the meta level and discuss how the FBI should behave in the future.  We can take it as a given that both major candidates in the future will have various accusations made against them, and the FBI should probably simply announce that they are investigating both candidates and be transparent about the nature of the charges against them.

Recent Book -- The Death and Life of the Great Lakes

13 April 2018

The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Continuing on my theme of books about bodies of water – this was much more compelling than the Gulf book.  Partly because of my familiarity with the Great Lakes, partly because there was a very strong story in this book that was new to me.  I knew about the pollution issues in the Great Lakes before the EPA, but I never new the story of invasive species and the battles that have been happening.  Very interesting.

Recent Books -- The Gulf, Concurrency in Go

07 April 2018

  • The Gulf by Jack E. Davis.  A history of the development of the Gulf of Mexico over the last 300 years sounds like it could be dull, but it is actually pretty interesting, though there is a ton of detail in here.  Enjoying it – if I ever planned to the move to the Gulf Coast, this would be essential.
  • Concurrency in Go by Katherine Cox-Buday.  Ok this is the far more essential book to read about Go, the intro to Go book I previously read should have had all this material.  This is the interesting stuff.