CSNY’s “Ohio” (Wikipedia, Youtube ) hits me hard every time I hear it. I still see the bodies on the news, the classmates in anguish. “How many more” resonates through my head.
CSNY pushed that record out in 3 weeks. They were at the top of their careers, already had an album for sale, but they didn’t play it safe, they made an emotional statement that resonates to this day. I was quite young, but this event hit me hard and contributed to my suspicion of authority and power.
We have terrible issues in society today. Gun violence and school shootings affecting many more people. Inhumane treatment of desperate people at our borders. None of the artists of today want my opinion – but too often I see artists talking at rallies and events, but it is their art that is impactful and emotional, and they could be more effective in reaching us if they spoke through their art.
One artist that is doing it today is Donald Glover – if you haven’t seen Childish Gambino - This Is America (Official Video), you should. It is hard to watch. I am sure there are others.