A Little Ludwig Goes a Long Way

A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.

Recent Books -- Six Wakes, Wrong Stars, Scarlet Sky, Wolves of Winter

09 June 2018

  • Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty.  Awesome tale of 6 travelers on a space ship, trying to figure out who among them is trying to kill all of them.  Agatha Christie in space!
  • The Wrong Stars by Tim Pratt.  Space opera – pirates, aliens, wormholes, etc.  Fun but not that memorable.
  • Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan.  World War II escapades of a young Italian spy. Based on a true story, very engaging.
  • The Wolves of Winter by Tyrell Johnson.  Post-apocalyptic tale of survivors in the Yukon.  Ok but pretty well-trod ground.