A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.
29 July 2011
I’ve got thousands of feet of spare cables. Cat 5, 5e, 6. Coax. Digital audio – copper and optical. Video with all flavors of DVI, HDMI, and older connectors. S-video. Component. HDMI. USB. FireWire. Audio. Speaker wire. Microphone cables. DMX512. AC power cables of all sorts – grounded, ungrounded, extension cords. DC power supplies and cables in many varieties.
And bags of converters of all types. Audio. Video. Male-to-female. Female-female. Splitters. Joiners. You name it.
With all these cables and converters, I needed storage solutions just for them. Bins, racks, etc. And I had to keep it all ordered so I could find stuff.
I am throwing it all out. Moving to a JIT system for cables – I’ll buy what i need on the fly. Because having a massive inventory of spares has never saved me a trip to Fry’s or a Newegg rush order. I always need the one connector I don’t have.