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30 September 2012
I’ve been trying to get a Raspberry Pi dev environment set up on OSX. I’d like to have a cross compiler, a full linux build, an emulator all operational.
There is a pretty clear outline at “RPIforum from earlier this summer”:http://www.rpiforum.net/forum/tutorials/article/16-a-raspberry-pi-emulated-environment-on-osx-lion/. I’ve had partial success:
* Install Xcode and Xcode command line tools. No problem, I had these around anyway * Install “homebrew”:http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/. A package manager for OSX, a good thing to have. Installing this is what finally “broke my existing flawed OSX install”:http://theludwigs.com/2012/09/beware-the-osx-migration-assistant/ and drove me to reinstall OSX. But installed super cleanly once I had a fresh OSX * Install the dependencies for ARM toolchain: brew install mpfr gmp libmpc libelf texinfo. There is a known error with mpfr compilation, so reinstall that with flags “per homewbrew wiki”:https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/15061. * Then install the Arm tools. BTW, you can’t just copy and past the script from the RPI forum page because of the damn smart quotes – echo “export PATH=$HOME/rpi/arm-cs-tools/bin:$PATH” » ~/.bash_profile will utterly fail * Then compile kernel. This step is unfortunately failing late in the process, I think at the linking stage. Still digging into. I have tried an alternative recipe at “the elinux site”:elinux.org/RPi_Kernel_Compilation, it fails as well, in both cases unhappy with the vmlinux file. * Then install the qemu emulator. the rpi forum recipe is missing a dash, should be a double dash in front of the use-gcc flag i believe. works fine with that change
So I feel close. Just need to dig into the kernel compile problem. Here are the details, I need to study the make file to figure out exactly where this occurs:
==> make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=~/rpi/arm-cs-tools/bin/arm-none-eabi- -k > compile.txt size: file: arch/arm/boot/compressed/../../../../vmlinux is not an object file size: file: arch/arm/boot/compressed/../../../../vmlinux is not an object file size: file: arch/arm/boot/compressed/../../../../vmlinux is not an object file size: file: arch/arm/boot/compressed/../../../../vmlinux is not an object file arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux.lds:77: undefined symbol __OBJC' referenced in expression make[2]: *** [arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux] Error 1 make[1]: *** [arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux] Error 2 make[1]: Target
arch/arm/boot/zImage’ not remade because of errors. make: *** [zImage] Error 2 make: Target _all' not remade because of errors.