A Little Ludwig Goes a Long Way

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Recent Books -- Queenpin, Emerald Lie

22 October 2016

  • Queenpin by Megan Abbott. 52408-_uy475_ss475_Wow this was a fun noir tale of a young woman working her way up the seamy underside of the city. Really enjoyed it.
  • The Emerald Lie by Ken Bruen. A detective tale of a sort, tho the detective basically is a drunk who stomps around like a bull in a china shop, not really solving crimes but creating havoc. Nice atmosphere.
  • The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen. This was a bit of a chore, and at the end was very painful to read due to the intense subject matter, but a very good read about the complexity and senselessness of war. Certainly can understand why this novel got so many accolades, the writer has a very distinctive voice.
  • The Big Sheep by Robert Kroese. I guess this is was an attempt to do a Sherlock Holmes style story in a near future America, but eh, just read a Sherlock Holmes story.