Ignition news roundup -- Symplified, Whiptail
19 January 2012
First off, we are surving the 2012 Snowpocalypse. Office traffic is light but folks are here.
On the business front, it was “announced that we led a round”:http://techcrunch.com/2012/01/18/ignition-leads-20m-round-in-cloud-security-and-identity-company-symplified/ in “Symplified”:http://www.symplified.com/. Great company building some pretty essential tools to manage employee identity and engagement across the web, can’t imagine how companies manage their voice and presence without this.
We also “joined the investor group”:http://www.geekwire.com/2012/ignition-bankrolls-flash-storage-startup-whiptail behind “Whiptail”:http://www.whiptail.com/, who build high-scale SSD arrays to replace spinning disks. Spinning disks – seems like we will look back at these in 100 years and laugh, or at least class them as a steampunk kind of gadget.
Excited to work with both companies.