Apparently we are awash in former VCs.
06 May 2014
I am just one of the crowd per geekwire
A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.
06 May 2014
I am just one of the crowd per geekwire
01 May 2014
I bought a Lytro back in the day. It spent a week in my bag before it hit the technology graveyard in the corner of my office.
My narrative clip lasted maybe a week. Everyone around me was freaked out. And mostly I just ended up with a lot of pictures of the edge of my desk.
I just got my Pixy. Maybe I am doing it wrong but this thing doesn’t seem to detect squat. Maybe it works great in some super controlled setting but not worth my time.
Of course I had to order a Centr.
I am eternally optimistic. One of these things is going to be useful.
17 April 2014
27 March 2014
Just a reminder to self – some of the kits out there come with <1 amp supplies, and most come with 1 amp. The 1 amp supply is barely adequate for the base rpi plus camera. Less than 1 amp and camera use will drop your internet connection.
Now if you add in a USB wifi dongle, 1 amp no longer is sufficient. I am having to use a powered hub.
I’d suggest a 2 amp minimum supply.
05 March 2014
I am hosting the webview controller in an OSX app. I have followed the code sample in calljs and i can successfully call javascript functions inside script tags from objective-c. This integration requires that the objective-c program know the name of the javascript function. for instance i have a javascript function called “objective_c_entry()”, and in my objective c wrapper, i can call that entry point using:
NSString *callResult = [[webView windowScriptObject] callWebScriptMethod:@"objective_c_entry" withArguments:args];
Now I want to move all my javascript into require.js modules; i am not clear how to reference a function in a require.js module from within objective-c. if i am moving my “objective_c_entry” function into a require.js module named “integration”, what string do I pass to callWebScriptMethod?
03 March 2014
03 March 2014 – and this only scratches the surface. Of all the reasons why I don’t use a Windows machine for development, this is the stupidest, and simplest to fix. Just ship a reasonable ssh client, it is not that hard.
21 February 2014
Quite an achievement – Dendritic Inhibition in the Hippocampus Supports Fear Learning – and won’t be his last. I am jealous, I have aspired to go down the research path at many different points in my life but it has never worked out. Huge congrats!
19 February 2014
So I have a little app that hosts the Webview control and doesn’t do a whole lot more. I am running it on a MacBook Pro Retina display. I’ve enabled fullscreen display, I’ve set the window in the xib to be full retina 2880x1800.
But the webview seems to think it is running at 1440x790ish or so. Basically half res. As reported by NSScreen. And it is pretty clearly running at half resolution.
The same web page looks fine in Chrome, full retina resolution.
Ah interestingly, in Safari, it is also running at half resolution. Hmmm.
Nothing obvious on StackOverflow. Nothing obvious in Apple developer doc (tho I certainly probably missed something).
UPDATE: Mr. Sobeski gave me some ideas. The retina devicePixelRatio is probably involved. Apparently this creates some problems in some configs. might be a direction to try.
17 February 2014
17 February 2014
I didn’t really want to, I don’t use LinkedIn much, but we are hiring a couple people for the stealth startup I am working on, and I am starting to see traffic to my profile that might be related to job search. And so I am starting to think my profile should look better (thought I haven’t done a thing about), and I considered paying for a higher grade of LinkedIn service so that I could see who was pinging me. But, wow, $240 a year for LinkedIn business service?? That explains their lofty valuation I guess. That is a very rich price to expect of every business professional, the marginal cost to provide the service is effectively $0. I’d worry that this price will drive substitution, it is certainly making me think about that. I need to get a lot more for my $240 than they are offering.
Who else gets $240 a year from business professionals for a software/communications service? When a corporation rolls this up for all their sales and marketing people, how are they going to feel about it? I am sure there is a corporate discount plan tho.
17 February 2014
Bigotry, poverty, abuse, healthcare, education, government waste and incompetence – I could go on, these are big issues in our society, and I can get outraged about them and have occasionally done so. There are certainly other issues in this category.
Whether or not a certain kind of taxi service can operate in a certain way, or whether or not cars can be sold in a certain fashion at a certain location? Yawn.
08 February 2014
Over the holidays I had to create an Ultraviolet account. I was trying to watch a movie on our new XBOX One and I could only find it on the Vudu provider, and so first I had to create a Vudu account, and then that chained into having to create an Ultraviolet account. No idea why all this fuss was required, and I didn’t really know what Ultraviolet was for, but we got to watch our movie.
Now one month in, I get a piece of marketing spam from Ultraviolet, and now it is all clear:
Imagine … the freedom to access your movies and TV shows through many retailers
Wow. Mind blown. What a world that would be. I am so thrilled and excited. It sounds so much better than the 20 other legal or not-so-legal ways to watch videos. And I am so glad that retailers are fully involved, that sounds like it is going to be so much better for me.
Javascript tools suck, all the sample code on the web is invariably wrong in some way, variable scoping as practiced is horrible, debugging is terrible. And I am just focused on a single browser target! I’ve spent a day chasing after some pass-by-reference and scoping problem. Grrr.
Of course when I spend a day on Objective-C problems, I am pretty convinced it is the worst tool ever with its bloviated syntax and huge masses of obsolete sample code.
And when I spend a day on python I get so cranky about crappy IDEs and crappy debuggers and crappy library documentation.
The only constant is me, probably I am doing it all wrong, regardless of the environment.
26 January 2014
5 people in line waiting to pay at Barnes & Noble Bellevue vs 1 chatty cashier. 1 Nooklehead standing over at the Nook stand doing nothing while we are all trying to give the store money.
I finally called the store and asked whoever answered to come up front and help, they said they were busy with a customer. When it was finally my turn the clerk spent 1 minute on the script trying to get me to sign up for their loyalty card – not understanding that the last thing I want to do is buy more books here.
So many things wrong here. As a start, give the idle Nook dude a square reader and let him do check outs on the Nook. Giving him something to do, a chance for me to handle a Nook, and completing my transaction more speedily.