A Little Ludwig Goes a Long Way

A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.

If I was Google, I would have done a Windows machine

22 February 2013

pixelSo the new “Chromebook Pixel”:http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2013/02/chromebook-pixel/ is out, and it is an interesting move. Nice hardware, but expensive, and of course limited to whatever software runs on Chrome.

Being the “proud” owner of a Surface RT – another nice piece of hardware limited by its software – I’m not betting that this is going to be a big seller.

If I was Google, I would have built a Windows machine with great Google service integration and a Google/Chrome alternative to the new Win8 interface

* PC OEMs are not doing an amazing job on building machines, the field seems wide open * One less thing to explain to users – it is a Windows machine, it runs all Windows software if you want to, no need to explain Chrome * Probably easier to get wide distribution – it is just a great Windows machine * Users have to deal with a new interface on Win8 anyway – the time is ripe to offer something that is different than Metro (and maybe supports the classic Windows look better) * It would befuddle Microsoft. They can’t hate or attack a Windows machine.

I’ll never buy a Chromebook. I’d think about a great Windows PC with great Google integration.