A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.
22 May 2017
My workflow for years on my MBP has centered on VMWare running Debian/Ubuntu, and all my tools in the VM.
For developing code targeting AWS services, I thought I’d try using Docker for Mac and running Debian images with Docker.
Well that didn’t work. This bug involving time drift in a container has been around for a year now, with no attention paid to it. It basically makes it impossible to access any AWS services. I have to conclude that no one is actually using Docker for Mac.
I’ve also for years used a variety of editors and IDEs on both the Mac and Linux side. I heard such good things about VSCode that I decided to try it. But after any amount of time running it, it starts to miss keystrokes – I first noticed it wasn’t responding to copy/paste from the keyboard, then it also started to fail on simple text entry. I have no time for this, as cool as VSCode may be, it fails on the fundamentals.