A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.
24 September 2013
OK so I brought up a CoreOS instance using Vagrant/virtualbox on my machine. I am trying to understand the network config and how traffic is managed and routed to the containers. From spelunking around the web, here is what I think is happening:
OK so this makes sense. so now let’s look at what is actually happening on my system when I bring up CoreOS in a VM, with two containers, an ubuntu and a centos container.
“/bin/ifconfig” starts to confuse me a little. after the one container is killed, with only one running, i get the following interfaces:
So I think I understand the lay of the land. Maybe the tunneling and bonding are just created for all configs but only used in certain uses?
UPDATE: the good people on the coreos google group helped me out, the bond/gre/tunl adapters are temporary artifacts that are unneeded and will go away.