A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.
24 September 2011
“All of life has been utterly, profoundly changed thanks to Facebook’s new feature”:http://realdanlyons.com/blog/2011/09/23/all-of-life-has-been-utterly-profoundly-changed-thanks-to-facebooks-new-changes-and-nothing-will-ever-be-the-same-and-all-i-can-do-is-sit-here-and-weep-at-the-beauty-and-magic-that-mark-zuckerber/ – well this is just awesome. Read it, and read it again.
I guess this resonates so much with me because I’ve been in the software industry now for 30 some years and man, the number of times I have seen something that “changes everything” – this happens at least several times a year. And more often than not, it doesn’t change everything. Some products are quite impactful – say the original Mac or the iPad, or Windows 95, or Visicalc, or many others – but they didn’t change everything, they aged and expired, and they all were heavily influenced by work ahead of them. Facebook is great and the new features look fine, but my life isn’t going to flip upside down. And I am deeply suspicious of handwavers telling me “This changes everything” – I usually find that they can’t really articulate what exact customer problem they are solving, and that the product probably doesn’t really change anything important.
Lyons’s skewering is more directly aimed at the trade press/bloggers. It is easy to write “Wow this changes everything” but I expect to see a little more depth and thought, I generally find sites like TechCrunch to be uninteresting – it is obvious they need to whack articles out fast. Lyons’ article had 100x the insight of any of the main press sites covering F8.