A Little Ludwig Goes a Long Way

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Books -- Angelmaker, Coldbrook, Speedboat, Grasshopper Jungle

14 December 2014

  • Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway. A fun adventurous romp, reminds of the early Tim Powers books, but with a lighter touch.
  • Coldbrook by Tim Lebbon. Many worlds and zombies, almost a perfect book :). coldbrookA great tale, I am a little surprised he hasn’t penned a followup, tho some of the material might be off-putting to some readers.
  • Speedboat by Renata Adler. A stream of consciousness ramble. Not usually my style but I was engaged. The book has held up well.
  • Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith. Zombies and giant bugs, another near perfect pairing. Not quite as engaging as the Lebbon but still quite fun.