A Little Ludwig Goes a Long Way

A smattering of opinions on technology, books, business, and culture. Now in its 4th technology iteration.

Alexa, re-order three wolf moon shirt

14 May 2015

This latest Amazon Echo feature is awesome and horrible. Amazon is making it so easy to buy things.

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Re-ordering your favorite Prime products is now even easier with Echo – just use your voice. If you’re low on kitchen supplies, want to restock on snacks, or need more rolls of duct tape for the garage, simply ask Echo to place an order for you.

Just say “Alexa, re-order laundry detergent” – Echo will search your order history and can order the item for you using your default payment and shipping settings. If Echo can’t find the requested item in your order history, it may suggest an item for your approval using Amazon’s Choice, which picks highly-rated, well-priced, Prime products. You can manage your shopping preferences and set an optional confirmation code in your Amazon Echo App.

Some customers, like @chmarch, will be happy to know that baby lotion works particularly well (Congrats!). https://twitter.com/chmarch/status/591686021235875840

As always, the Amazon Echo team looks forward to your feedback via the Amazon Echo App and on social media (#AmazonEcho).

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